哈哈哈哈哈哈我脫離Buffy Summers啦!
Faith Lehane (known in the TV series only as "Faith")[2] is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon for the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, portrayed by Eliza Dushku. Born December 14, 1980 in Boston, Massachusetts,[3] Faith is mostly an antihero in the series' narratives.
Character history
Faith is the third Slayer to appear on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, following Kendra Young. Faith became a Slayer when Kendra died at the hands of Drusilla in "Becoming, Part One", the penultimate episode of the second season. Most often described as "a rogue Slayer," she fulfilled the archetype of a nemesis in the classical sense, serving as the dark mirror to Buffy: similar but opposite to the hero. Series writer/producer Marti Noxon described Faith in terms of "the road not taken," a vision of what Buffy might have become if her life's circumstances were different.
Faith was introduced in the third season of Buffy, and played a major role in that season's overarching plot. She returned for shorter story arcs on Buffy and Angel, and played a moderate role in the story arc of Buffy's seventh season. Like many characters in the Buffy gallery, she was one of substantial moral ambiguity, taking on roles ranging from violent sociopath to self-sacrificing champion.
Little is known about Faith's earlier life. Her dialect and early exposition suggests she grew up in the notably rough neighborhoods of South Boston. Her father is never mentioned, but Faith makes several references to her mother's alcoholism and possible allusions to childhood abuse (in the episode "Faith, Hope & Trick", she says "My dead mother hits harder than that!" whilst fighting a vampire).
Faith Lehane(在影集中大家只知道她叫"Faith")是由Joss Whedon為了影集"魔法奇兵"及"天使"所創造出來的虛擬角色,由Eliza Dushku飾演。生於1980年12月14日,麻薩諸塞州波士頓。在影集中Faith屬於"反英雄"(anti-hero)的人物。
Faith是"魔法奇兵"中出現的第三個剋星。她在Kendra Young被Drusilla殺死後(2x21"Becoming, Part One")被召喚。她通常被形容為"不良剋星",被視為Buffy的黑暗面:相似卻又反英雄。影集劇本兼製作人Marti Noxon表示用"沒有被選擇的路"來形容Faith,認為若是Buffy的生活環境與現在不同,她可能會成為另一個Faith。
關於Faith早期生活劇中並沒有描述。從她的一些對話中可以推測出她生長在南波士頓一個充滿暴力的區域。她從未提過她的父親,但曾在對話中提及她母親酗 酒及兒時可能遭受虐待(在3x3"Faith, Hope & Trick"第一次出場時,在與吸血鬼的打鬥中她說「我掛掉的老媽扁的比你用力多了!」)
好短 囧rz