I bought this for a long time
but I just didn't find enough time to finished it....damn...
well, also i felt bad when i reading this book and that's the other reason i didn't read it.
is not that AJ is a bad writer or what, it just...
i'm bad to deal with the issue she mention in the book.
you know, such things like death, seperated, refugees, rebels, killing, bombing, raping...
i hate to read things like that, cause i always feel sad, and will burst into tears an time.
abd after i read few pages i will star to think about the world.
so many people dying right this moment but most of people in rich world have no feelings about this
i want to do something but what can i do?
i'm selfish, i know that.
i can't just say "ok, i will give them money!" and put the money out of my pockets to save their lives
but i can take two CD and pay without hesitate
i should be damn
well, since now this book got a chinese version
i hope more people can read it and feel it
let more people know AJ is someone BIGGER than just an actress
and let more people know there are still so many people needed our helps in the world...
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- Jul 11 Mon 2005 22:12
Notes from My Travels by Angelina Jolie